If there's either a way to make money or save money you just know that most people won't be able to pass up an opportunity for either one to happen. If that's the case with you then we have a money saving tip involving furniture that doesn't take a whole lot of effort to turn into reality. Furniture can be expensive and if you're tired of going to your local furniture store to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to re-furnish your home you should consider the do-it-yourself (DIY) furniture-making route.
We're not saying that you should build your own couch or recliner, which you can do, but might take a little more craftsmanship than you can provide. What we recommend is that you start off small and make your own bookcase that you can either show off in your home or business. Just pick out the materials you want your bookcase to be made out of and the colour and you'll be all set to go. You'll find that in addition to the benefit of saving money you'll also have a one-of-kind unique looking bookcase.
To aid you in your money pinching ways you can fill up your newly built bookcase with DIY resources. There are plenty of books that have been written on the topic of DIY and if your DIY bookcase becomes full of DIY books you'll be in a pretty good spot to continue saving money by going the way of DIY. You name the subject and there'll be a DIY book or manual that you can add to your bookcase collection.
Want to sell your own products? There are even DIY manuals on how you can be your boss and save money in the process. A surprising number of successful businesses started at home as DIY projects that turned into a passion and subsequently into a for-profit business.
Need some tips or ideas on how to make repairs and renovations to your home before you list it for sale? You'll find a whole slew of books on that very subject, from how to fix your own plumbing to home remodeling tips. Rental Rebates, interior design, auto repair, fashion, and baking are just a few other examples of ways you can follow a manual to fulfill your needs and all at a fraction of the cost of buying brand new products or paying professionals.
You can either buy brand new DIY books (and the 'For Dummies' collection of books is a great starting place for all your instructional DIY book needs) or, if buying brand new books on the topic of DIY goes against your money saving agenda, you can check out thrift shops, yard sales and library book sales.